Earth´s Starry Sky
In this Card Game, you will find all 88 defined star constellations of our night sky and can playfully learn about their attributes. You will find many funny star names such as Aldebaran, Shedar or Unukalhai.
Does the constellation Vulpecula (the fox) really has the star Anser (the goose) in its mouth? You can read about it all in the booklet.
In cooperation with the astronomer Dr. Dr. Susanne Hoffmann we have designed the connecting lines based on historical and modern sources, because the constellations were defined in 1933 only by their outer boundaries. At first only for our Sphere but when we worked with star catalogs , we noticed the many attributes such as brightness or distance to earth. This led us to the idea of a card game in which you play with these and other attributes.
A friendly designer then drew 88 pictures for the 88 constellations for us and we designed the card game.
It is similar to top trumps but with "brightness", "distance to earth", "number of bright stars", "number of dim Stars" and "size on the night sky" as values.
- 88+4 cards
- 88 Star Constellations
- beautiful illustrations
- valuable packaging with glossy prints
-Bilingual booklet - German and English in one booklet
- 1x 88+4 cards (88 constellations + 4 explanation cards)
- 1x booklet